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Camellia at Deerwood Celebrates the Holidays with Charitable Giving Activities

November 18th, 2013 · Leave a Comment

Lori Brown of Camellia at Deerwood and Robin Convery of Mission House Compassion by the Sea

The giving spirit is in full swing at Camellia at Deerwood. Residents of the Jacksonville senior lifestyle community are involved in numerous charitable activities for the holiday season.

“The holidays are a wonderful time to give back, especially to those in need,” said Camellia at Deerwood General Manager Perry Brown. “Giving can result in the delight on a child’s face upon receiving a toy or the comfort of a meal to someone who would not get one without the kindness of others. I am very proud of our residents, who enjoy the tradition of giving back all year long.”

Here are a few ways residents are giving:

Toys for Tots – Camellia at Deerwood is supporting the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots program. The community, located at 10061 Sweetwater Parkway in Jacksonville, is collecting new, unwrapped toys for children. The Toys for Tots collection bins are located in the front lobby at Camellia at Deerwood. Toys may be dropped off from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. daily through November.

Mission House – Camellia at Deerwood is collecting gently used men’s clothing and shoes as well as new socks, undergarments and toiletry items for Mission House Compassion by the Sea, a non-profit organization created to assist homeless adults in the Jacksonville Beach area. Camellia at Deerwood will be collecting items for Mission House Compassion by the Sea through December. Camellia at Deerwood has a list of items needed at the front desk and collection bins in the front lobby. Items may be dropped off from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. daily.

Located at 800 Shetter Ave. in Jacksonville Beach, Mission House Compassion by the Sea is the only day facility to help meet the needs of the homeless adults at the beaches through compassion, faith and programs designed to provide assistance at an individual level. The organization provides clothing, meals, showers and medical care to the homeless. Mission House Compassion by the Sea’s number one goal is to assist homeless people off the streets and back to productive and self-sufficient lives. More information is available at www.missionhousejax.org.

Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign – Camellia at Deerwood residents will be supporting the Salvation Army’s Red Kettle campaign as bell-ringing volunteers. They will be stationed in front of a local grocery store near the community in December. The Red Kettle Campaign runs through Dec. 24, and helps the Salvation Army aid families by providing food, shelter, clothing and other services to those in need during the holiday season and throughout the year.

“Giving is a wonderful way to make a difference in others’ lives,” Brown said. “We welcome the community to join our charitable efforts at Camellia at Deerwood.”

More information is available by calling (904) 519-1034 or visit www.camelliaatdeerwood.com.

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