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HabiJax Holiday Campaign Aims to Raise $85,000 by Year End

December 4th, 2015 · Leave a Comment

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Habitat for Humanity of Jacksonville, Inc. (HabiJax) has launched a Holiday Campaign to raise $85,000 by the end of 2015, which is the cost to build one HabiJax home for a deserving Jacksonville family.

“We encourage the public to get involved within the communities where they live and do business,” said Mary Kay O’Rourke, president and CEO of HabiJax.  “The holiday season is an opportune time to give back and assist in the betterment of the community and help a deserving family achieve homeownership.  Everyone can make a difference.”

Funds donated throughout the year to HabiJax may be used to provide financial training for HabiJax homebuyers, repair damaged homes, or to assist with the funding of supplies for a new HabiJax home to be built.  To donate, visit www.HabiJax.org/donate.

The largest affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International in the U.S., HabiJax has provided housing services to more than 2,000 families since 1988.  In order to make a greater impact in Jacksonville neighborhoods, HabiJax has committed its experience, housing products and services to revitalizing the historic neighborhood of New Town and is a partner in the Habitat for Humanity International.  HabiJax has built more than 250 homes to date in New Town and HabiJax has invested $16 million to complete more than 400 homeownership and rehabilitation projects in the area and is on track to meet its goal.

During its 27 years of building communities with its partners, HabiJax has improved the city of Jacksonville with high-quality affordable homes and enhanced neighborhoods, providing a better quality of life for homeowners and their children in five areas of the Urban Core of Jacksonville.

For more information about HabiJax or to learn about its mission, volunteer opportunities and more, visit www.HabiJax.org.

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