Pssst…We’ve got a secret and we’re sharing!
Are you an avid golfer? If so, you’ll want to visit today to get the best golf deals in Northeast Florida. Hampton Golf is conducting a unique promotion for local golfers. The program is called the “Secret Golf Deal” and it will allow golfers to buy rounds at some of North Florida’s top courses for as low as $8.99, which includes greens and cart fees.
Sounds like a top-notch deal to us! If you’re interested you must pre-register with your email address today through Monday morning at to be included in the program. On June 27 at 9:45 a.m., Hampton will email each registered person details on how to purchase the tee times, and at 10 a.m. the rounds will go on sale.
Good luck booking your times and we hope to see you out there!
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