Hurricane season begins today. We don’t want to think about what could happen to our community in the event of a hurricane. But now is the time to take action to ensure your family and your home are protected. As you prepare your hurricane plan for your family, also take the time to review your homeowner’s insurance policy and make sure it provides the coverage you need.
“Recent industry figures indicate about two out of every three homes in America are underinsured and at risk of major financial loss if a disaster strikes,” said Prudential Network Realty Founder, President and CEO Linda H. Sherrer. “We want to be sure that our customers are adequately covered.”
According to a 2008 survey by Marshall & Swift/Boeckh (MSB), a leading provider of building replacement cost data, 64 percent of homeowners are underinsured and on average have only enough insurance to pay for 81 percent of the costs to rebuild their homes. That means if a hurricane damages a home, about two-thirds of all families will not have enough insurance to fully rebuild their home, and will have to make up the difference between the repair cost and the amount of insurance they carry.
The best time to find out if you are going to be fully covered is before you have a loss. Contact your insurance agent for an insurance review to make sure your policy meets your needs. It is the best way to protect your investment.
If you need more information about hurricane season, homeowners insurance or real estate information, click here.
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