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JAX Chamber Announces Alan Mosley as Vice President of Transportation, Energy and Logistics

February 18th, 2014 · Leave a Comment

JAX Chamber President and CEO Daniel Davis announced today that Alan Mosley is joining the Chamber’s leadership team as Vice President of Transportation, Energy and Logistics. In this role, Mosley will be the executive director of the North Florida Transportation Business Alliance, which will advocate for and advance regional transportation and logistics projects that benefit the area’s economy and help local businesses thrive.

“If we improve people’s ability to access businesses in the area, and improve businesses’ ability to compete in the state, national and global marketplaces, our entire community will benefit,” said Moody Chisolm, chair of the Alliance and president and CEO of St. Vincent’s HealthCare. “Alan’s skills and experience make him an outstanding choice to lead these efforts for the Chamber and I look forward to working with him.”

Mosley joins the Chamber from RS&H, a consulting firm where he led strategic market initiatives for the transportation and infrastructure practice. He is a former District 2 Secretary for the Florida Department of Transportation, overseeing a 19-county territory in North Florida that includes Jacksonville and managing a $3 billion, five-year work program across all modes of transportation. Mosley also previously served as Chief Administrative Officer for the City of Jacksonville under former Jacksonville Mayor John Peyton and is a former director of Public Works.

Mosley understands the emerging field of natural gas and has years of experience working with utilities and port authorities, which will put Jacksonville in a prime position to capitalize on growing industries and opportunities, Davis said.

“You can either wait for things to happen, or you can make things happen,” Davis said. “By adding Alan, an innovative, respected leader who’s managed and executed major projects in the private and public sectors over the last 25 years, we can make things happen in Jacksonville.”

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