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JAXUSA Partnership Welcomes Duval County Schools Superintendent Nikolai Vitti

September 24th, 2013 · Leave a Comment

JAXUSA Partnership, a division of the JAX Chamber, welcomed Duval County Schools Superintendent Nikolai Vitti to the JAXUSA Partnership quarterly luncheon at the Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront.

The luncheon program featured a conversation between Dr. Vitti and University of North Florida President and JAXUSA Partnership Chair John Delaney. Vitti discussed the challenges facing educators today such as, narrowing the achievement gap and raising the bar of expectations for all students.

Vitti and Delaney also answered questions submitted from audience members about efforts to improve Jacksonville schools. Vitti encouraged community members to remain highly involved and engaged, and to support community-based partnerships.

“Our strategic plan articulates our commitment to educating and developing the whole child,” Vitti said. “It provides our community an incredible opportunity to advance our work of enriching and improving the lives and educational outcomes of Jacksonville’s children.”

Education remains a top priority at the JAX Chamber as it is vital to the economic prosperity of the region. High-wage job growth relies on an educated workforce while local students require the knowledge, skills and environment necessary to compete and prosper in a challenging marketplace.

Fidelity National Financial (FNF) was honored during the luncheon as the recipient of the JAXUSA Partnership Industry Leadership Award for its outstanding business performance and corporate citizenship.

FNF, currently ranked No. 353 with $7.3 billion in revenue on Fortune’s list of America’s largest companies, is a leading provider of title insurance, specialty insurance and claims management services. FNF relocated its corporate headquarters from California to Jacksonville in 2003 and has since increased its employment by 2,000 people and has spun off two other companies — Fidelity National Information Services (FIS) and Lender Processing Services.

FNF has contributed a capital investment of more than $200 million and has been a catalyst to revitalization and economic development in Jacksonville’s urban core. Besides the addition of company’s $80 million, eight-story headquarters building and parking garage, FNF negotiated a public/private partnership with the City of Jacksonville for improvements in the area surrounding its campus, which included paving the area under the Fuller Warren Bridge. Since 2009, the area has been the site for the popular Saturday Riverside Arts Market.

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