Duval County residents are encouraged to take a short survey to help the team developing the Duval County Maritime Management Plan. A team from the Northeast Florida Regional Council, University of North Florida and the Marine Science Research Institute at Jacksonville University is gathering information about maritime facilities and the needs and desires of the community. The Duval County Maritime Management Plan will guide policy makers as they maintain facilities, plan for unmet needs and ensure that the important role that water access plays in the economy and quality of life remains strong for the long term.
The Duval County Maritime Management Plan has developed its own website which contains the survey and additional resources. The website can be accessed here. The survey results will be tabulated and shared with the team creating the Duval County Maritime Management Plan and at the Public Input sessions. The sessions are scheduled for:
- Tuesday, Oct. 4, University of North Florida
- Tuesday, Nov. 1, Jacksonville University
- Tuesday, Dec. 6, Venue TBD
For more information, visit here.
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