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Monique Burr Foundation Receives Two Major Grants

September 25th, 2014 · Leave a Comment


The Monique Burr Foundation has recently received two major grants to implement its MBF Child Safety Matters™ child safety curriculum for students in Duval County.

“We are thrilled to report that The Chartrand Family Fund at The Community Foundation for Northeast Florida has awarded our Foundation more than $13,000 and the Mazda Foundation has approved a $20,000 grant,” said Lynn Layton, executive director, Monique Burr Foundation.

 “First and foremost, these funds are needed to implement our program in schools. But, they also validate the importance of this program’s efforts to prevent child abuse and bullying,” she said.

The Chartrand grant has been earmarked for the MBF Child Safety Matters™ program for the 11,061 kindergarten students in Duval County and the Mazda grant will bring the program to 10,000 sixth graders.

“As we approach supporters, they are impressed with the research-based approach taken for this program,” continued Layton. “We are proud the program can be implemented for $2 per child and that we test our program to determine its success. This program, begun in Duval County, is being expanded throughout the State of Florida and is being implemented in 54 out of 67 counties in Florida. Prevention education works and is a more effective option than reactive intervention.” 

For the 2014-2015 school year, the Foundation has already received orders for 90,000 students in Florida.


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