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Rebuilding After Hurricane Irma – Jacksonville Homes are Better than Ever

March 19th, 2018 · Leave a Comment

Hurricane Irma delayed Broker Sheron Willson from putting her home on the market. Once renovations are complete, the home is coming soon to Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Florida Network Realty.

It has been a long road for many since Hurricane Irma’s storm surge swamped Jacksonville, causing record flooding, evacuations and leaving many homes and businesses uninhabitable with water damage.

Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Florida Network Realty Broker/Business Coach Sheron Willson knows all too well the challenges homeowners have faced in the storm’s aftermath. Her Avondale home is nearing the end of its recovery after having been severely flooded by Hurricane Irma last September.

“We purchased our home in 1991 and water has never come inside the home before,” Willson said. “Our home was built in 1924 and this has never happened. I was just amazed. I never would have expected it.”

Willson’s neighborhood, located between the St. Johns River and Big Fishweir Creek, was inundated with water from a fast rising storm surge and a foot of rainfall resulting from Hurricane Irma. During the storm, Willson evacuated and had to wait two days until the water receded before she could return home. Hurricane Irma left Willson’s home under water, causing significant damage and leaving the home uninhabitable.

“Hurricane Irma created a rare event of a magnitude that we have not seen in 140 years,” said Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Florida Network Realty Broker/Executive Vice President Christy Budnick. “The response from everyone in our community has been equally remarkable – taking something that was initially devastating and turning it into an opportunity to make their homes better than before.”

Read the rest of the story by visiting the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Florida Network Realty blog.

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