Benefiting Special Olympics Florida, Jacksonville Beach will host a Polar Plunge Saturday, Jan. 30, 10 a.m. at the Seawalk Pavilion.
This event will be a traditional plunge and for the more adventurous winter weather folks, a 5k will be offered on Jacksonville Beach, where runners transform into plungers as they cross the 5k finish line taking the plunge into the chilly ocean water.
By participating in the Polar Plunge, you will help people to participate in the Special Olympics.
Run, plunge, or do both!
Plungers are asked to raise a minimum of $100 and runners are asked to pay a $25 registration fee. Participants create their own personal Plunge page so friends, family and co-workers can donate online. It’s quick, easy and secure.
Plungers who raise the minimum of $100 in donations get an official Polar Plunge® T-shirt while runners who cross the finish line earn a custom Polar Plunge & Runner T-shirt and bragging rights over everyone who just couldn’t bear it!
The more money you raise, the more cool stuff you can get – like Aquatica, SeaWorld and Discovery Cove tickets.
For more information click here.
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