The City’s Keep Jacksonville Beautiful Commission (KJB) and its partners, Hyatt Regency Jacksonville and Downtown Vision, Inc., are seeking volunteers for the 7th annual Earth Day Downtown Cleanup.
The event is from 8 to 10 a.m. on Saturday, April 20. Volunteers are asked to gather promptly at 8 a.m. at The Jacksonville Landing or Harvey’s Market, located at 777 N. Market St.
Volunteers will join representatives from local businesses to pick up litter in the area inside of Liberty, Water, Jefferson and Church streets. Additionally, KJB will partner with the Springfield Preservation and Revitalization Council (SPAR) to spruce up Union and State streets from North Market Street to Main Street.
Last year, 40 volunteers donated 80 hours and removed 800 pounds of debris from public areas downtown, contributing to an hourly volunteer value estimated at $1,957. Over the past six years, a total of 344 volunteers participated in the event, donating 688 hours and collecting 7,160 pounds of litter and trash — a savings of $23,355 in volunteer hours and cost avoidance.
For more information, call KJB at 255-8276.
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