Recommendations designed to take the Northeast Florida economy to a new level are outlined in the Northeast Florida 2013 Advocacy Agenda.
The agenda was developed with collaborative input from chambers of commerce and other local leaders to identify priorities and opportunities for job growth and creation throughout the region. The agenda outlines local, state and federal issues in six areas that will impact future economic growth in the region.
The six areas include: business climate, small business, physical infrastructure, workforce, education and military. The regional agenda outlines the key public policy initiatives that will align educational initiatives with targeted industries, strengthen the region’s position as America’s Logistics Center, help small to medium-sized businesses develop their export potential, and support veterans transitioning to the workforce.
“The region’s chambers and economic development organizations recognize that we are stronger when we work together.” said JAX Chamber interim president and CEO and JAXUSA Partnership president Jerry Mallot. “By uniting to address critical issues that affect us all, we will create more jobs and further strengthen the JAX Region’s economy.”
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