Clockwork Marketing Services received three marketing awards at the Laurel Awards ceremony hosted by the Northeast Florida Builders Association’s Sales and Marketing Council. The Laurel Awards recognize excellence in marketing, sales and design in the home building industry in Northeast Florida.
Clockwork Marketing received awards for Best Direct Mail Piece on behalf of ICI Homes of Tamaya, Best Website for and Best Facebook page for Clockwork Marketing.
The direct mail campaign targeted Mayo Clinic Jacksonville professionals with a commitment from ICI to make a $3,000 charitable contribution to the Mayo Clinic Foundation for every home sale at Tamaya to Mayo employees or medical professionals. The campaign featured a thoughtfully designed postcard with four separate strategically timed mailings for name and brand recognition.
Powered by Clockwork Marketing, covers business and real estate news. It is updated daily by the Clockwork team and also publishes posts from guest bloggers. was named the best real estate blog in Northeast Florida by Zillow.
The Clockwork Marketing Facebook page is a strategically created social media presence focused on a business approach with personality. Managed by the Clockwork team, the page is content rich and updated daily with business news, information and updates. The site has proven successful in driving more engagement and interaction to the page and increasing the number of impressions Clockwork has in the community.
For more than 20 years, Clockwork Marketing has received numerous awards and accolades for its work on behalf of clients.
“Clockwork Marketing is thrilled to receive this recognition from our industry peers,” said President Maxine McBride. “Our team takes great pride in producing memorable work and exceeding expectations.”
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