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Colliers International Northeast Florida Facilitates 36,299 Square-foot Lease at Innovation Park for Intuition, LLC

March 26th, 2019 · Leave a Comment

Colliers International Northeast Florida facilitated a 36,299 square foot lease for Intuition, LLC at Innovation Park, located at 6735 Southpoint Drive South in Jacksonville’s Southside submarket. The lease was executed on March 12, 2019.

Chuck Diebel, Wade Powers, Matt Entriken and Bob Selton of Colliers International Northeast Florida represented the landlord in the transaction. Scott Henley of Newmark Grubb/Phoenix Realty Group represented the tenant.

Intuition, LLC is a business services company that provides solutions for jurisdictions, government entities and private industries. The company will relocate approximately 175 Jacksonville employees to Innovation Park in the fourth quarter of 2019.

The lease brings the occupancy rate at Innovation Park, which was previously 57 percent, to 70 percent. SUS Holdings, LLC, the owner of the complex, is in the process of completing approximately $2 million in capital improvements, such as redevelopment of the plaza area, roundabout and site parking; lobby, corridor and atrium renovations; installation of exterior lounge seating and food truck power hook-ups; new roofs and HVAC systems; and redundancy, including 100 percent back-up power.

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