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HabiJax to Host Gala to Celebrate 25th Anniversary

April 17th, 2013 · Leave a Comment

Habitat for Humanity of Jacksonville (HabiJax) HabiJax, one of the most successful Habitat for Humanity affiliates in the United States, will host a gala on April 18 featuring guest speaker Jonathan Reckford, CEO of Habitat for Humanity International. The event will take place to celebrate 25 years of helping more than 1,850 families in Northeast Florida turn their dreams of homeownership into a reality.

The event will be held at the Jacksonville Public Library Courtyard at 7 p.m. and will include an evening of local cuisine, cocktails and entertainment by Grandpa’s Cough Medicine.

In order to make a greater impact in Jacksonville neighborhoods, HabiJax is committing its experience, housing products and services to revitalizing the historic neighborhood of New Town and offering potential homebuyers an interest-free mortgage. Over the next four years, New Town is planned to include at least 100 brand new homes and rehabilitation services for 300 owner-occupied homes in the neighborhood.

New Town’s location provides easy access to Downtown Jacksonville, Southside, Mayport and the beaches. It is conveniently located near two public schools; Eugene Butler Middle School and SP Livingston Elementary School, as well as Edward Waters College, the oldest institution of higher education in Jacksonville. Success Park, a nearly 2-acre park and playground, is also located in the historical neighborhood of New Town, in addition to a number of shopping and dining opportunities with easy access to public transportation.

Tickets are $75 and registration can be completed by contacting Paula Collett at (904) 208-6631 or [email protected].


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