Since Mid-March, COVID-19 has created an ever-changing and seemingly never-ending barrage of challenges. In addition to health and financial concerns, comes a new normal for those working remote for the foreseeable future.
According to Gartner Research, nearly 74 percent of CFO’s and Finance leaders intend to move at least 5 percent of their workforce to permanently remote positions post-COVID 19. Although many enjoy the concept of working from home, the reality can be quite different. Managing virtual meetings, children at home from school, separation from a normal work day and an inability to feel like you can get it all done, is creating mounting stress and anxiety.
In a 2019 survey by Digital Ocean, 82 percent of remote-working professionals reported feeling burnt out, 52 percent of those remote employees said they end up working longer hours and 37 percent said it increased their stress and frustration. How can remote workers manage their time so that they are efficient and productive, without experiencing frustration and stress?
Azola Creative has created a program to help companies and their teams continue to navigate through the digital work environment more efficiently. The program focuses on providing training for improving daily prioritization and time-management strategies for traditional in-office and virtual employees.
The Amplify Your Efficiency Program will help employees improve their decision-making around what’s important and what can wait, learn to set achievable deadlines, and better communicate their progress and needs for completing tasks and projects. If you would like to learn more, visit
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