We all know Jacksonville is a great place for business, and now others are noticing too!
Take a look at these business rankings, which were highlighted in a recent update posted by Cornerstone, the economic development arm of the Jacksonville Regional Chamber of Commerce.
- A Portfolio.com/BizJournals study ranked Jacksonville 13th in the “Best Places to Start a Business.”
- According to an article written by MarketWatch, Jacksonville ranked No. 28 out of 101 “Best U.S. Cities for Business.”
- Jacksonville was the only Florida city, with a population over 500,000, to rank in Next Generation Consulting’s “Hotspots for Young Professionals to live and work in the U.S.”
Cornerstone and the Jacksonville Regional Chamber of Commerce are at the pulse of economic development success in Northeast Florida and you can be part of this exciting organization. The first Cornerstone luncheon of 2010 is Tuesday, March 16 at the Hyatt Jacksonville Riverfront. The luncheon will feature former Jacksonville Mayor and UNF President John Delaney who will be discussing “A New Florida Economy.”
Register now to reserve you seat. The reservation deadline is Wednesday, March 10.
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