The JAX Chamber announced its 2022 Small Business Leader of the Year finalists.
The finalists are:
- Mike McCann, JaxCo Furniture, Arlington Council
- Terri Davlantes, JAX Cooking Studio, LLC, Beaches Division
- Frank Wallmeyer, Standard Feed and Seed, Inc., Downtown Council
- Tracy Riley, Tracy Riley Counseling, Health Council
- MaryAnne Rodriguez, Root Realty, LLC, NextUp JAX
- Marian Phelan, Hashrocket, Jacksonville IT Council
- Elizabeth Bagan, Precision Medicine and Wellness by Elizabeth Bagan, Professional Women’s Council
- Benjamin Loeb, Edward Jones, South Council
- Joanne Kazmierski, Global Business Logistix, Transportation & Logistics Council
- Brandon Cornellier, NextGen Restoration & Roofing, Three Rivers Council
- Printella Bankhead, EBS Security, Inc., Venture Services
The 11 Northeast Florida business leaders were selected for the honor by the Chamber Councils, the Beaches Division, NextUp JAX and Venture Services.
One of the 11 business leaders will be named the overall 2022 Small Business Leader of the Year during a breakfast reception presented by TD Bank at Adam W. Herbert University Center on February 8.