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JFCS Is Responding to Hurricane Irma

September 29th, 2017 · Leave a Comment

Hurricane Irma left some of our most vulnerable community members in even more challenging positions. People that relied on others for transportation were left stranded. Families without power lost the only food that they had. Some lost their homes.

After Hurricane Irma, The United Way of Northeast Florida contacted Jewish Family & Community Services to ask if the agency could take a lead role in the distribution of Florida’s First Coast Relief Fund. Without hesitation, Colleen Rodriguez, JFCS Executive Director, wholeheartedly agreed.

JFCS is now assisting in completing FEMA applications, rent/mortgage/deposit payments, medical needs, temporary housing, food and clothing. JFCS’ Max Block Food Pantry is also expanding hours of operation in order to nourish individuals and families in need.

If you or someone you know needs help recovering from Hurricane Irma, call 2-1-1. Calling 2-1-1 is the first step in beginning the recovery process related to relief funds. Simply dial 2-1-1. This hotline is open 24/7.

Florida’s First Coast Relief Fund was founded in 2016 by Northeast Florida’s largest nonprofit funders to help those affected by Hurricane Matthew. Relief Fund partners re-activated the First Coast Relief Fund in 2017 for Hurricane Irma relief. Major First Coast Relief Fund contributors include The United Way, The Jacksonville Jaguars, Jessie Ball duPont Fund, Mayo Clinic of Jacksonville, Jewish Federation of Jacksonville, Lucy Gooding Charitable Trust, and Florida Blue.

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