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Johnson Family Y Breaks Ground on $3.5 Million Expansion Project

May 16th, 2018 · Leave a Comment

(From left) Dr. Irvin Cohen, executive director of the Johnson Family Y & VP of Social Responsibility; Quiwanaki Ramsey, Teen Program graduate; Wanda Jones, chair of the Johnson Family YMCA Advisory Board; Peggy Bryan, Chair, Metropolitan Board of Directors; and Eric K. Mann, President and CEO, YMCA of Florida’s First Coast

The James Weldon Johnson Family YMCA recently celebrated the start of its highly-anticipated, $3.5 million expansion and renovation project with a special groundbreaking ceremony.

More than 150 guests gathered near the project’s construction site to listen to remarks from Dr. Charles Moreland, Director of Community Affairs for Mayor Lenny Curry; Eric K. Mann, First Coast YMCA President and CEO, Peggy Bryan, Chair, Metropolitan Board of Directors; and Dr. Irvin Cohen, Johnson Family YMCA Executive Director.

When complete, the Johnson Family Y will have an all-new state-of-the-art Teen Center, Pre-Teen Center, new swimming pool and renovated wellness center.

“At the Y, we believe it is our responsibility to help children and teens realize their potential and to provide the necessary tools and resources to help our neighbors achieve health and well-being,” said YMCA of Florida’s First Coast President and CEO Eric K. Mann. “We know that the lives we transform now through this project will bring about meaningful, enduring change in the Johnson Family YMCA community and across the First Coast for generations to come.”

Phase I of the Johnson Y expansion project includes construction of a separate, state-of-the-art, Teen Center building and new swimming pool. The new Teen Center will be equipped to serve over 100 students ages 14-18 with enriching opportunities through its Teen Forward program. The building will add 4,000 sq. ft. of space for this program and includes a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) laboratory, teaching kitchen, computer lab, recording studio and gaming area. This is the only after school programming of its kind offered for high schoolers in the area.

In addition to the Teen and Pre-Teen center, the new swimming pool will allow the Y to expand its signature Safety Around Water drowning prevention program to reach more kids, while also creating 10-15 new jobs at the Y in Teen Center programming and aquatics. Both the Teen Center building, Pre-Teen space and the new swimming pool are slated to be complete by the end of 2018.

For more information about the Johnson Family YMCA, visit http://firstcoastymca.org/locations/johnson-family-ymca/.

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