Time is running out to enter and vote in the JAX Boldest Contest. The deadline to enter is midnight on Saturday, March 31. Contest voting ends at midnight on Saturday, April 7.
The contest was initiated as part of the Innovate Northeast Florida project and the JAX Chamber’s #ilovejax campaign and has received more than 150 entries from individuals and groups vying to be called the area’s most innovative company, creative project or nonprofit.
The winners of each category are determined by the number of votes they receive from residents in the JAX region.
The public can visit the JAX Boldest website (www.jaxboldest.com) and vote for their favorite entries in each category (company, project and nonprofit organization.)
The winners will be announced at the Innovate Northeast Florida launch event on April 19. The individual who submits the winning entry for each category will receive a cash prize of $500. The top company, project and nonprofit selected as the winning entries will also be recognized.
More information is available here.
What is your favorite entry? Tell us in the comments section below.
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