Leadership Jacksonville, an organization that educates, connects and inspires diverse leaders to build and strengthen their communities, welcomed more than 380 guests to its Celebration 2016 at the Jessie Ball duPont Center. The annual fundraiser honored community trustees Nina Waters and Jerry Mallot.
“We are thrilled so many attended our 21st annual celebration to honor two outstanding community leaders,” said Jill Langford Dame, chief executive officer of Leadership Jacksonville. “Nina and Jerry are both well-deserving of this recognition of their efforts to make Jacksonville a great place to work and live.”
The honorees:
Lex and Nina Waters
Nina Waters, Leadership Jacksonville Class of ’91, serves as president of The Community Foundation for Northeast Florida, Inc. The organization is Florida’s oldest community foundation and also the state’s largest. Waters is responsible for the leadership and management of the donor services, grantmaking services and administrative services functions of the Foundation. One of her major accomplishments was launching the Foundation’s “Quality Education for All” initiative in 2005, which led to the creation of the Jacksonville Public Education Fund. Waters also assisted in the development of the Women’s Giving Alliance. Under her leadership, the Foundation’s assets and annual grants to the community have grown. Prior to joining the Foundation, Waters served as executive director for the PACE Center for Girls Jacksonville.
Sarah and Jerry Mallot
Jerry Mallot, Leadership Jacksonville Class of ’95, is the executive vice president of the JAX Chamber and president of JAXUSA Partnership. Mallot oversees a JAXUSA Partnership staff in the areas of business development, international business, workforce development and research. He led the formation of a seven-county economic development program to expand high wage jobs in northeast Florida. Jacksonville and the region have attracted tens of thousands of jobs, including many headquarters, financial services, logistics and manufacturing companies during his tenure since 1994.
Delores Barr Weaver and Nina Waters
Proceeds from Celebration 2016 support Leadership Jacksonville youth programs including Youth Leadership Jacksonville and the Collegiate Leadership Experience.
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