During the April 1 Prevent Child Abuse Florida/Ounce of Prevention press conference to recognize Child Abuse Prevention Month, the Monique Burr Foundation for Children, Inc., announced the Speak Up Be Safe™ safety and child abuse prevention education program now being piloted in select counties during the 2010-2011 school year. The rollout of the final statewide program will take place during the 2011-2012 school year.
Speak Up Be Safe™ was developed by the Monique Burr Foundation and Childhelp® in conjunction with the Office of the Governor of the State of Florida, the State Department of Education, the State Department of Health, the Florida Department of Children and Families, the Department of Juvenile Justice, Ounce of Prevention and Prevent Child Abuse Florida. Under the review of the Office of the Governor and the Education Cooperative Planning Team, the program was created in response to a five-year plan to develop a progressive prevention program. The curriculum addresses all forms of child abuse, neglect, bullying and internet safety and satisfies the educational requirements outlined in Florida Statute 39, which are proceedings relating to child abuse prevention education for children, their parents/caregivers and school personnel, and set forth by the Department of Education for health education included in the Sunshine State Standards.
The curriculum for the program was developed through a partnership with Arizona State University, which has a strong reputation as a leader in research programs through its School of Education.
In 2008, Florida ranked 15th in the nation in incidents of child victimization. Internet abuse has also become more widespread, as almost 93 percent of children ages 12 to 17 have often unmonitored online access. More information about child abuse statistics and prevention education can be found at www.moniqueburrfoundation.org.
This is an incredibly important program benefiting the entire State of Florida! Bravo to the Monique Burr Foundation for Children, a Northeast Florida nonprofit organization who continues to put the welfare of children at the forefront of the conversation!
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