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Monique Burr Foundation Hires Antionette Meeks

October 8th, 2014 · Leave a Comment

Antionette Meeks, Education, Outreach and Grants Manager


The Monique Burr Foundation for Children, Inc. welcomes Antionette Meeks, EdD, MCHES, CPP as the Outreach and Grants Manager.

“We are fortunate to have Antionette join our team at the foundation,” said Lynn Layton, executive director of the Monique Burr Foundation for Children. “She is the ideal choice to successfully expand the MBF Child Safety Matters™ program throughout the State of Florida due to her extensive experience with the Florida Department of Education and passion for our mission.”

Dr. Meeks is completing her tenure with the Florida Department of Education as the Project Manager for District-Developed Assessments in Hard-to-Measure Content Areas for the Office of Race to the Top Assessments.  Prior to this position, she was the Assistant Director and Health Coordinator for the Department’s Office of Healthy Schools, in the Bureau of Curriculum and Instruction (Standards and Instructional Support).  She is a former teacher, department head, and district-level coordinator for comprehensive health education/safe and drug-free schools, athletic coach, and district wellness team leader.

“The Monique Burr Foundation has made an incredible impact on the lives of so many families throughout the state of Florida and I am honored to be a part of such a wonderful organization,” said Meeks. “My work with the Foundation is perfectly aligned with my belief that before children can be open to learning and achieving, they need to feel safe. I am passionate about extending our mission throughout the state because prevention education works and is a more effective option than reactive intervention.”

Meeks was an education and training specialist for K-12 tobacco use prevention education programs and coordinator of a college-focused tobacco use prevention program for Florida’s successful tobacco program.  She has served as an adjunct professor at three state universities and has taught at the undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate (doctoral) levels. She is trained in and has provided professional development in several prevention education curricula and programs.  Meeks has provided expert review for other states and was part of the writing team for the revision and writing of national education standards.  She is a Master-Certified Health Education Specialist and Certified Prevention Professional and has served on three boards and has held state and national offices, serving as president for one national organization.


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