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NAIOP of Northeast Florida Participates in NAIOP Day at the Capital

April 11th, 2013 · Leave a Comment

 NAIOP of Northeast Florida, the region’s commercial real estate authority and trade association, recently participated in NAIOP Day at the Capital in Tallahassee, a two-day event for all NAIOP chapters in the state. The event began with a meeting with Senate speaker Don Gaetz. Speaker Gaetz addressed issues important to NAIOP including internet sales tax, manufacturing machinery credits and the phasing out of sales tax on commercial leases. Speaker Gaetz is sympathetic to NAIOP’s position on these items and feels these proposed laws will have a positive impact by helping to create jobs and continue to improve Florida’s recovery.

Sen. Jack Latvala and Rep. Lake Ray also addressed the group during the first day. Sen. Latvala is the head of the Elections and Ethics Committee and discussed ways to improve the election process. Rep. Ray discussed his continued push for the improvement of Florida’s Ports. The following day, Jeff Evans, representing the Northeast Florida chapter, met with eight of its twelve delegation members and the legislative aides of the other four delegation members.

NAIOP of Florida, with the participation of all state chapters, has made significant progress in being recognized as a lobbying force in Tallahassee. Politicians appreciate the organization’s positions on issues and respect the opinion of NAIOP, which has become relevant statewide in the political arena.

For more information about NAIOP and NAIOP of Northeast Florida, call (904) 730-8075 or visit www.naiopnefl.com.


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