It’s time to make plans to get your “Game On!” The 33rd annual Realtor Builder Tradeshow will be held on Thursday, Oct. 18, at the UNF University Center. The tradeshow, which is hosted by the Northeast Florida Builders Association (NEFBA) in conjunction with the Northeast Florida Association of Realtors (NEFAR), will be open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
More than 800 members of Northeast Florida’s real estate and building industry community are expected to attend. It is a great place to connect with hundreds of industry professionals. This premier event will have more than 60 exhibit booths on display and educational seminars including classes focusing on Tablets and Apps with Realtor Andrew Bell.
Booths, sponsorships and tickets are available. Tickets are $10 per person until the day of the show, when the price will increase to $20 per person. Booths are $600 and sponsorships range from $800 to $3,500. Contact Corey Fountain at [email protected] for more information.
Make your plans now – you won’t want to miss this event!
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