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Northeast Florida Builders Association Remodelers Raise Nearly $2,000 at Sporting Clay Shoot-Out

April 1st, 2013 · Leave a Comment

We have always believed there are a lot of sharp shooters in the building industry. The seventh annual Remodelers Council Sporting Clay Shoot-out presented by Ferguson attracted 51 participants and raised nearly $2,000 for the Remodelers Council of the Northeast Florida Builders Association (NEFBA).

The tournament began with a shotgun start at Amelia Shotgun Sports. Teams of four competed with the Builders First Source team, which included Frank Rodgers, Greg King, and Roger Holmes, earned top team honors with a combined score of 278. The Fidelity Bank team, comprised of Ross McWilliams, Zach Scott, Tommy Cochrane and Tom Quinn, received second place honors with a combined score of 272.

Quinn was the overall highest individual shooter with a score of 94 and Mandy Bouton of Ferguson Enterprises earned top female shooter with a score of 62. The shoot-out’s two youngest participants, Collin Pessolano, 15, and Cameron Pessolano, 10, received honorable mention recognition. Builders Care provided dinner for the awards ceremony after the event.

Founded in 1982, the Remodelers Council represents and serves the interests of remodeling industry members. More information about the association’s networking events is available here. www.nefba.com.

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