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Pamela Lindeback of Sisler Johnston Interior Design Named USGBC North Florida Volunteer of the Year

June 12th, 2014 · Leave a Comment

Pamela Lindeback of Sisler Johnston Interior Design recently received the Volunteer of the Year award from the U.S. Green Building Council North Florida (USGBC-NF). The 5th annual Green Building Awards celebrate sustainability in action in North Florida and recognize those committed to building a sustainable environment.

“I am thrilled Pam has been recognized by the USGBC-NF for her leadership and commitment to promoting environmentally conscious practices,” said Judith Sisler Johnston, president of Sisler Johnston Interior Design and allied member, American Society of Interior Designers (ASID). “Our team takes the role of green building very seriously and we use every opportunity to teach others about making a difference in the community.”

Lindeback, who serves as the marketing coordinator at Sisler Johnston Interior Design, was recognized by the USGBC-NF for her graphic design and corporate branding contributions to the organization. In addition to designing new logos, she created the chapter’s new communications guide, defining the national branding standards and providing a benchmark for the chapter to build its own brand. Lindeback also served as a design team member and volunteer for LiveSmart, the chapter’s entry in the OneSpark crowdfunding festival in Jacksonville. Lindeback designed internal and external graphics including a logo for the 24-foot LiveSmart mobile unit, which will serve as an educational tool highlighting sustainability in residential design and inspiring green lifestyle choices. The USGBC-NF chapter won third place in the technology category at OneSpark for its LiveSmart entry.

“I am honored to be recognized as the USGBC-NF’s volunteer of the year,” Lindeback said. “I enjoy promoting the benefits of green building and being involved with others who are dedicated to the positive impacts of sustainable living.”

Green building is an approach using design and building techniques to minimize environmental impact and reduce energy use of a building while contributing to the health of its occupants. More information is available at www.sislerjohnston.com.

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