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Recycling Center Creates New Jobs for the Region

May 22nd, 2012 · Leave a Comment

A new recycling facility is bringing more jobs to the region! Republic Services opened its 70,000 square-foot regional material recovery facility in northwest Jacksonville on Imeson Road. The facility will create 30 new jobs and represents a $16 million capital investment in the region.

Serving residents and businesses in a multi-county area, including Duval and St. Johns counties, Republic Services’ new facility is the first of its kind in Northeast Florida and features advanced sorting capabilities, including magnets, screens and optical sorters that identify and separate different kinds of materials.

By increasing the kinds of acceptable recyclable materials, the center is increasing revenue to the City of Jacksonville. It is able to process more than 120,000 tons of recyclables per year. Additionally, residents can add plastics #3-7 and aseptic packaging, such as juice boxes and boxed soup containers, to their list of acceptable recyclable materials.

Republic Services also has an Eco Center at the facility which offers tours, training and educational opportunities.

This is the latest announcement about new jobs from the JAX Chamber and JAXUSA Partnership. Did you see JAXUSA Partnership President Jerry Mallot on ActionNewsJax last week talking about the increase of jobs in the region? If you missed it, check it out here.

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