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Sea Turtle Nesting Season Underway

May 1st, 2017 · Leave a Comment

Sea turtle nesting season is underway, Through October, the Northeast Florida sand is home to thousands of unhatched sea turtle eggs, buried just beneath the surface.

Sea turtles are a protected species. Florida is the largest nesting area in the world for the Northwest Atlantic Ocean loggerhead.

Help share the beach and protect these very special guests with these sea turtle safety tips.

  • Avoid unneeded light, noise and movement on the beach at night
  • Take all chairs, umbrellas and other gear in from the beach at night
  • Remove all litter from the beach, as sea turtles can mistake it for food, which can prove to be fatal
  • Never shine lights directly on a sea turtle. It will cause her to abandon her nest. Never use flash photography
  • Restrict or shield direct beachfront light from residences or landscapes
  • Do not light fires on nesting beaches at night
  • Never touch or disturb a nesting female, nests or emerging hatchlings

For more information on ways to help sea turtles survive, visit the Beaches Sea Turtle Patrol.

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