What's Up Jacksonville WhatsUpJacksonville.com

Don’t Forget to VOTE Today!

November 2nd, 2010 · Leave a Comment

Today is the day! All over the country and right here in Northeast Florida citizens are heading to the polls to vote. Every election is an important one and every vote counts so make sure you get to your local polling station today and make your voice heard!


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Everything You Need to Know About Amendment 4

September 7th, 2010 · Leave a Comment

The Jacksonville Regional Chamber of Commerce recently sent out a question and answer to its members regarding Amendment 4, otherwise known as Hometown Democracy or the “Vote on Everything” bill. The Chamber vehemently opposes the amendment because it will severely limit the ability to recruit businesses and create jobs in Northeast Florida.


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What Did You Do For Lunch Yesterday?

July 21st, 2010 · Leave a Comment

It was a day of networking yesterday for the WhatsUpJacksonville.com team. If you missed the array of luncheons around town, here is a brief recap of what local organizations and business professionals were up to during yesterday’s lunch hour!


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