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The Monique Burr Foundation for Children Provides Child Abuse Prevention Education Statewide

November 17th, 2011 · Leave a Comment

Recent events have once again brought to the forefront the importance of child abuse safety and prevention programs for all school-aged children. The Monique Burr Foundation for Children, Inc., a nonprofit organization created in 1997, provides child abuse prevention education throughout the state of Florida with Speak Up Be SafeTM, an education program that addresses safety from all forms of child abuse, bullying, cyberbullying and internet dangers, and provides resources for parents and school personnel. Additionally, the foundation provides community resources regarding safety and abuse prevention including an informative website, speaking engagements and a safety blog, Speak Up Be Safe Florida, with up-to-date prevention information for professionals, parents and anyone interested in protecting children.

In the United States, 3.2 million children are reported each year as being abused or neglected, yet much abuse goes unreported. Speak Up Be Safe focuses on enhancing a child’s overall sense of confidence with regard to safety, creating a responsive safety network with peers, teachers, parents, caregivers and other adults a child identifies as safe, and promotes respect for self and peers. Targeted at students in first through fifth grades, the curriculum focuses on five safety rules: It’s MY body; Ask an adult if I am safe; I have choices; Tell someone; and It’s NEVER my fault.

The program is expanding statewide as a collaborative effort with the Governor’s Office, the Florida Department of Education, the Florida Department of Health, the Florida Department of Children & Families, Ounce of Prevention and other sponsors and partners. Securing funding for the program’s expansion is an ongoing need.

To learn more about bringing this program to your city or school, contact Lynn Layton at (904) 642-0210. More information about child abuse statistics and prevention education can be found at www.moniqueburrfoundation.org/SUBS.

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