Through Oct. 15, THE PLAYERS Championship will accept applications for its Red Coat Grants, a program that awards funding to local nonprofit organizations who lead programs and initiatives focused on improving the quality of life for Northeast Florida’s residents. Grant awards for the 2021 program will range from $2,000 to $12,500.
The Red Coats is a committee of past tournament chairpersons who served on THE PLAYERS’ volunteer leadership team and oversaw the entire volunteer team and program. Each year, nearly 2,000 volunteers support all facets of the championship. The Red Coats are responsible for leading all volunteer divisions and committees, working closely with the tournament team on a year-round basis to prepare and deliver a successful championship.
THE PLAYERS 2022 will be held March 8-13. Registration for returning volunteers begins on Sept. 15, and registration for new volunteers begins on November 3. More information is available at
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