There was a great turnout for the recent ULI program, “Turning the Corner: Rethinking and Remaking Downtown” with Downtown Vision’s executive director Terry Lorince and board member John Welch leading the discussion.
Here is an overview of a few main items discussed at the program:
- We need to improve and activate our streets downtown
- The last few years the focus of downtown improvement has been too spread out over too broad of an area
- Scattered development hasn’t been very successful
- Jacksonville is one of the largest downtowns in the country
- The focus now will be more defined as the “core” area of downtown
- Fifty percent of our core area is dead space with parking lots, parking garages and vacant buildings
- By focusing on the core area, we will focus on a more walkable area where venues are connected – people need connectivity in a city
- We need to take a holistic approach to revitalization that includes maintenance, police presence and addressing panhandlers
- Develop a compelling downtown experience – get rid of the notion that there is nothing to do downtown
- We need to create a unique vibe and sense of place
- Attract artists and grow the night life
- Engage retailers and store fronts
- Downtown revitalization is going to take focused and ambitious leadership with a significant and dedicated revenue stream
- Increase employment in the core – attract more businesses downtown
- Increase more downtown residents
- Improve the management of public and private parking resources
Why should residents of Jacksonville care about revitalizing downtown?
- People judge a city by its downtown
- We have fallen behind most of our peer cities
Now, what can residents of Jacksonville do to help revitalize downtown?
- Support these efforts
- Advocate for change
- In the next elections, vote for candidates that have a care and concern for downtown
- Raise the bar for downtown Jacksonville…take pride in your city!
Let us know your thoughts on revitalizing downtown below in our comments section!
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