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Mayor Champions Restoration of Four Landmark Downtown Buildings

July 7th, 2010 · Leave a Comment

The city’s commitment to the restoration and growth of our downtown community got a special boost recently through the introduction of a plan to redevelop the historic Barnett Bank and Laura Street Trio buildings.

Mayor with drawing of Laura St. Trio

According to Mayor John Peyton’s monthly newsletter, local developer Steve Atkins of LINEA, LLC, JT Burnett and Chad Kittrell of Capital City Partners, LLC have joined with the city in an agreement to be part of an estimated $70 million project expected to bring an estimated 975 jobs to the area, 800 during construction and 175 permanent hotel and retail jobs during operations.

The environmental design firm of Ervin Lovett Miller recently completed redevelopment plans for the grouping of four buildings that are widely considered the city’s most iconic structures. The plans feature a vibrant destination that transforms the vacant, historic buildings into residential and retail spaces, a boutique hotel and a high-end restaurant.

The proposed development will be located in the Laura Street corridor, already undergoing extensive renovation by the City of Jacksonville. Destinations located prominently near this area include the Jacksonville Landing, Hemming Park, the Jacksonville Main Library, Jacksonville Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) and City Hall. 

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