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The Arc Jacksonville Announces Launch of Specialized Aging Support Program

September 20th, 2023 · Leave a Comment

The Arc Jacksonville is celebrating the official launch of its new program Specialized Aging Support (SAS) –– Dementia Services for People with Intellectual and Developmental Differences (IDD).

The three-year pilot program, first announced in fall 2022, aids individuals with IDD who face the challenges of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias on the First Coast, as well as their caregivers. A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held on September 15 ahead of World Alzheimer’s Day on September 21 at the nonprofit organization’s new state-of-the-art Kimberly Smoak Pommer Day Center, which will serve as the dedicated space for SAS programs.

The program provides occupational therapy-based support for individuals who live with IDD and/or are at high risk of Alzheimer’s disease-related dementia (ADRD) who live alone or with a caregiver. Program services aim to extend independence through sensory, occupational and other wellness therapies, and provide respite for family and caretakers.

Additional services include caregiver training, aid in developing specific intervention methods to help manage dementia symptoms, screening for risk factors and other therapeutic programming and activities for clients. Additionally, as a result of a three-year federal grant totaling almost $1 million from the Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration for Community Living, this program has been launched as a guidepost for replication nationwide.

To learn more about the Specialized Aging Support Program, The Arc Jacksonville or to find support for yourself or someone you know, visit arc jacksonville.org/sas.

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